
Once Upon a time: Cooking … Baking … Traveling … Laughing …


Kaak Bread ~ BBB ~ Lebanese Street Bread

Our hostess this month, Kitchen of the Month: Karen of BakeMyDay.  She being a very fashion conscious woman has brought us a new hand bag … as in the kind you fill with your hearts desire of goodness and yum it … that means eat it up.
This is Lebanese street food.  Simple and tasty.
As I understand it a vendor will create a pocket and the bread is filled on the spot with your choice of different fillings.  I did several of mine with za’atar mixed in labneh.  Very good.

And dull as it may seem I also did my favorite with an olive oil fried egg.

235 grams buttermilk, 2 1/2 cups total water + buttermilk
245 grams water
2 tablespoons olive oil
1.5 tablespoons sugar
2 teaspoons salt
1 tablespoon instant dry yeast
135 gr whole wheat flour **, used 3 cups flour total
490 gr all purpose flour, you may need a little more, but don’t add too much flour **
1 egg for egg wash
1-2 tablespoon sesame seeds per kaak
You will also need lined baking sheets


1. The night before baking, I mixed 1 cup white whole wheat with all the liquid and placed in the refrigerator.

2. Allowed the over night mix to warm for an hour before mixing in the yeast, sugar, salt and oil.
I mixed 1 1/4 cup white whole wheat and 3/4 cup bread flour into the overnight mix.
Fairly straight forward dough kneading…
This dough will need a normal rise until doubled. What you’ll be looking for is a malleable non-sticky dough.

3. Shaping; divide dough in equal parts (aim for 100 gram each) and ball up. Cover and let rest to relax for about 15 minutes.

I rolled the dough ball into a log.


4. Then I rolled the ends of the dough ball into ropes and tapered them at the ends.


5. Raised the ends and pinched together. Flattened the bottom of the purse.


6. Place the shaped breads on lined baking sheets, be careful not to stretch the dough.
Loosely cover to rise another 25-30 minutes.


Egg wash the breads, sprinkle with sesame seeds. Bake for 12-15 minutes (all whole wheat takes longer) or until golden and puffed in a pre-heated oven 400° F (200-220°C).
I think they will benefit from a bit of steam in your oven. Use your preferred method; either ice cubes, boiling water in a heated pan… bake on a stone…
No stone in this kitchen, baked mine on sheet pan.

This was very easy to work into my schedule, very easy to shape … and fun to shape, and very easy to enjoy.
You know you need a new purse, so get out the flour and start mixing!
Be a Buddy and bake with us!  Karen gives you directions on her blog to bake with us and be a Buddy … and you get great rolls and a new bread to discover.
I super enjoyed these with the za’atar mixed in labneh.